Artist's Statement

© Maria Cooper Art LLC

Maria Cooper

Maria Cooper Art LLC

Art is a foundational part of my being. For as long as I can remember, I must be painting, writing, drawing. It is a physical need that is a part of my soul. I have been inspired and fascinated by so many influences from the world around us, from great artists, creators, writers, even physical locations, and the energy I derive from them. I believe that images and words have inherent power – tangible and real power that the world emanates from within. I see many parallels in that power, like mirrors reflecting from above and below that of the human condition—Color, light, material, earth.

I am also inspired by transition, growth, revelation – I was raised in a Christian home, but only in recent years have I come to know a personal, intimate relationship with Christ. As a result, I can clearly see how my earlier pieces have captured the essence of life throughout the entanglement of other ongoing areas of my work. I also clearly see the beauty of God’s hand at work in the world, even in the midst of trials and tribulations.

I have also created many custom pieces for individuals while picking up on their energy, which I feel speaks greater volume and contributes more to the piece than I could give myself. Connecting with people is such an essential part of life as I see it. Having the honor to be asked to create for someone is something that humbles me and excites me at the same time. I find true love in doing work like this.

I love to challenge traditional art instruction, how we were taught, what is acceptable, etc. If so many of our cherished and great artists in so many different mediums had adhered to what was “right or proper,” we would have been robbed of some of our greatest masterpieces.

It is my hope that you will find depth and insight in my work that reflects an emotion, memory, or inspiration unique to your life. I love to connect with people and am available for consultation, dialogue, and friendly conversation.

I am happy to have committed to my passion doing what I love and, as many say, never working a day in my life. For that, I have you, my clients, to thank! Bless you!