Support MCA

As many of you know, building a business is hard. And the art business is especially difficult to break out and through all of the noise in the industry. If you would like to support my business, but none of my artwork speaks to you currently, you can contribute any amount here. My goal is to be able to lease space within the next year to open a fully functional studio with an accompanying gallery.

Thank you for your encouragement and support. I am living out my dream and looking forward to manifesting my visions in the various forms that inspire me.


It has always been my dream to own my own studio and art gallery. Creating is my passion and has been since I was a little girl. While painting, collage, and sketch work have been where I have created the most, I have a passion for developing other areas as well. I actually went to school for jewelry design, and during my commercial years in Miami, I designed custom furniture for some of my hospitality clients. As I build my business, I am excited about branching into my other areas of creativity. Thank you for your support and encouragement!